

Name Type Description
str String

This is the original user agent string supplied by the browser

browser String

This is the browser name for the current user

mobile Boolean

This is a boolean 1 or 0 determining if this is a mobile device

platform String

This is the platform the user is operating under

version String

This is the version if the browser

os String

This is the operating system the user is currently on

osVersion String

This is the operating system version number

language String

This is the user set language

hasTouch Boolean

Has touch inputs, this does not mean a mobile device but only determines if the current user devices supports touch events

vendor String

Has touch inputs, this does not mean a mobile device but only determines if the current user devices supports touch events

cookies Boolean

This is the determination as to whether the user currently supports cookies

This is a simple utility that captures the user agent data and parses the varied values into properties


(private, static) getBrowser()

Set the current browser value

(protected, static) getDims()

Gets the window dimensions

(private, static) getOS()

Get the current Version

(private, static) initialise()

Initialise the object and set the default properties

(protected, static) search(regexp)

Custom search for the user agent array

Name Type Description
regexp RegExp

A regular expression


This will return the result of the regular expression test function