

Name Type Description
AUTO_RUN Boolean

Auto run the unit test cycle


Set the debugger to supress alert dialogs if run in a browser without a log console


The speed in milliseconds


Defines the output type for AIMUNIT, 1(Log Only), 2(Dom Only), 3(Both)


Determines whether the methods should be bound to the global namespace


Injectables - the methods that can be injected into the test cycle


Default open state for the panel


Preserve the test cycle, do not output the results and wait for new tests to be injected into the framework


The default position index


Position array list


Current Queue Index


Defined if any errors should be caught


Determines whether the successful tests should be hidden


Determines whether AIM Unit should monitor the loaded JavaScript and CSS files for change


Testing application path, the application that should be tested, this is only required if the iframe content holder is to be used


The application namespace, if applicable, perhaps the app uses a functional approach and the user decided to pollute the global namespace


Capture the mouse position at the point of execution for the test


Logs the screen details with the test results


Halt the test cycle on errors


Determines whether the screen dimensions should be refreshed on browser resize


Determines whether to grap a screen capture


Optional session name to be appended to the prints


Current printed item count

The aim.unit application testing facility for reflective and standard unit testing of the JavaScript code base


(private, static) addClass(node, value)

Add a class to an element

Name Type Description
node Node

The HTML Element

value String

The selector names to set

(private, static) addEvents()

Add the click events to the panel buttons and other elements

(private, static) addInjectables()

Adds the injectable classes if specified to the injection list

(static) addToDom(item, description)

Check an element exists in the dom under the specified parent

Name Type Description
item String

The item to find in the dom

description String

The parent element to start the parse for

(static) arrayContains(item, value, description)

TODO Check if an array contains a specific value/object at the designated index or if no index is supplied any index

Name Type Description
item Array

The array to check

value *

The value to check against, this is a wildcard

description String

The description for the test

(static) assert(valueResult, description)

Make an assertion

Name Type Description
valueResult function

The function for the assertion

description String

The output description for the test

(private, static) attr(node, name, value)

Set or Get an attribute value for an element

Name Type Description
node Node

The HTML Element

name String

The name of the attribute

value String

Optional value for the attribute

(static) ayncAssert()

TODO An aync assertion type

(private, static) checkGlobals()

Set up global references to the unit test methods, these are for quick access to the methods without the need to call via the AIMJS.Unit namespace

(private, static) checkResults(result, description)

Checks the results of a specific test and determines if the test succeeded or failed

Name Type Description
result Boolean

The boolean result for the tested item

description String

The test item description

(static) childCount(item, child, description)

TODO Determines whether a HTML Element has a specific child count i.e. a select element has 10 option children

Name Type Description
item HTMLElement

The element to check

child String

The node type to check against

description String

The description for the test

(private, static) createDomOutput(type, title, content, notes, parent)

Creates an output object to be appended to the DOM

Name Type Description
type String

The type of output, Heading, HeadingTest

title String

The title of the test

content String

The main message for the test

notes String

The supplementary notes and output test for the test

parent Object

The parent id that this content should be appended to

(private, static) createLogOutput(type, title, content, notes)

Create an ouput object that is logged to the console

Name Type Description
type String

The type of output, Heading, HeadingTest

title String

The title of the test

content String

The main message for the test

notes String

The supplementary notes and output test for the test

(private, static) createOutput(type, title, content, notes, parent)

Creates the output object and appends to either the dom, the console or both

Name Type Description
type String

The type of output, Heading, HeadingTest

title String

The title of the test

content String

The main message for the test

notes String

The supplementary notes and output test for the test

parent Object

The parent id that this content should be appended to

(static) customAssertion(name, func, bind, scope)

Inject custom assertion method and bind it to the AIM Unit object so that it can be used

Name Type Description
name String

The name of the custom asserter

func function

The callback function to execute

bind Boolean

The boolean defining whether the result should be bound

scope Object

The scope to execute the callback function

(private, static) end()

End the test cycle, stop waiting and set the run Cycle to false

(private, static) executeTestGroup()

Executes the test for a specific test group

(private, static) getElement(item)

Get an element from the dom, this is not a test simple a utility function

Name Type Description
item String

The item to find in the dom

(private, static) getElementText(item)

Get an elements text value from the dom, this is not a test simple a utility function

Name Type Description
item String

The item to find in the dom

(private, static) getMouseXY()

Get the current mouse position, this action is recorded for Capturing the user behaviour

(private, static) getNotes(result, successMessage, failedMessage, optionalSuccessMessage, optionalFailedMessage)

Simple check to determine which response note to used, common function to all assertions

Name Type Description
result Boolean

The assertion result, true/false - success/fail

successMessage Boolean

The success message to use

failedMessage Boolean

The failed message to use

optionalSuccessMessage Boolean

The additional success message to use

optionalFailedMessage Boolean

The additional failed message to use

(private, static) getTimer(isTest)

Gets the current time and subtracts the start time to determine how long the method took to execute

Name Type Description
isTest Boolean

Defines if its the global test timer

(private, static) getWindowDims()

Gets the current window dimensions and stores the results for display

(private, static) handleAddInjection()

Event handler for the inject button in the injection panel

(private, static) handleCheckboxClick()

Handle the toggle of the open/close action

(private, static) handleCloseInjector()

Handle close the injection panel

(private, static) handleEndCycle()

Handles forcing the end to the unit test cycle

(private, static) handleInputClick()

Handle close the injection panel

(private, static) handleOpenClose()

Handle the toggle of the open/close action

(private, static) handleOpenInjector()

Handle open the injection panel

(private, static) handlePositionChange()

Handle the toggle of the starting and stopping of the test cycle

(private, static) handleRefresh()

Restarts the test cycle this will rerun all tests, dynamically injected are also preserved in the queue.

(private, static) handleResize()

Handler the resize event and capture the new window dimensions

(private, static) handleRunCycle()

Handles forcing the end to the unit test cycle

(private, static) handleStartStop()

Handle the toggle of the starting and stopping of the test cycle

(private, static) handleToggleSettings()

Handle toggling the state of the settings panel

(static) hasAttr(item, className, description)

Determines if a specified element has a specific attribute

Name Type Description
item String

The item to check on the dom

className String

The attribute name to check

description String

The description for the test

(private, static) hasClass(node, value)

Check if an element has a class assigned

Name Type Description
node Node

The HTML Element

value String

The class name to search for

(static) hasClass(item, className, description)

Determines if a specified element has a specific class

Name Type Description
item String

The item to check on the dom

className String

The class name to check

description String

The description for the test

(static) hasEvent(item, evntName, description)

Determines if a specified element does has the event

Name Type Description
item String

The item to check on the dom

evntName String

The event name to check

description String

The description for the test

(static) hasFunction(item, property, description)

hasfunction assertion determines if the passed value has a specified function

Name Type Description
item Object

The item to test

property String

The prototype property name to check for

description String

The output description for the test

(static) hasInheritProperty(item, property, description)

Check if an object has an inherited property

Name Type Description
item Object

The item to test

property String

The property name to check for

description String

The output description for the test

(static) hasNotAttr(item, className, description)

Determines if a specified element does not have attribute

Name Type Description
item String

The item to check on the dom

className String

The attribute name to check

description String

The description for the test

(static) hasNotClass(item, className, description)

Determines if a specified element does not have a specific class

Name Type Description
item String

The item to check on the dom

className String

The class name to check

description String

The description for the test

(static) hasNotEvent(item, evntName, description)

Confirms that specified element does not have an event binding of the given type

Name Type Description
item String

The item to check on the dom

evntName String

The event name to check

description String

The description for the test

(static) hasNotFunction(item, property, description)

hasnotfunction assertion determines if the passed value has not a specified function

Name Type Description
item Object

The item to test

property String

The prototype property name to check for

description String

The output description for the test

(static) hasNotInheritProperty(item, property, description)

Checks that an object does not have a property

Name Type Description
item Object

The item to test

property String

The property name to check for

description String

The output description for the test

(static) hasNotProperty(item, property, description)

Checks that an object does not have a property

Name Type Description
item Object

The item to test

property String

The property name to check for

description String

The output description for the test

(static) hasProperty(item, property, description)

Check has property

Name Type Description
item Object

The item to test

property String

The property name to check for

description String

The output description for the test

(private, static) initApplication(message)

Shows the message panel to the user and sets a timeout

Name Type Description
message String

The message string to display in the panel

(private, static) initialize()

Initialise the object and set the default properties

(static) inject(method, execute)

Inject a group of tests into the test cycle

Name Type Description
method String

The function name of the test group initializer

execute Boolean

Automatically execute the test runner

(private, static) insertDomHTML()

Inserts the AIM.Unit Markup into the application dom

(static) isArray(item, description)

Check is array

Name Type Description
item Object

The item to test

description String

The output description for the test

(static) isDate(item, description)

TODO Check if the passed object is a date object

Name Type Description
item Object

The object to make the comparison against

description String

The description for the test

(static) isFunc(item, description)

Check is function

Name Type Description
item Object

The item to test

description String

The output description for the test

(static) isInstanceOf(item, instance, description)

Check is instanceof

Name Type Description
item Object

The item to test

instance Object

The Instance type to check

description String

The output description for the test

(static) isNull(item, description)

Check is null

Name Type Description
item Object

The item to test

description String

The output description for the test

(static) isNumber(item, description)

Check is number

Name Type Description
item Object

The item to test

description String

The output description for the test

(static) isString(item, description)

Check is string

Name Type Description
item Object

The item to test

description String

The output description for the test

(static) isUndefined(item, description)

Check is undefined

Name Type Description
item Object

The item to test

description String

The output description for the test

(private, static) log()

Send to the console, this method has been stripped from the AIM Logger to ensure

(private, static) monitor()

TODO Run time file monitoring for script changes, it will work for all CSS and JavaScript files, discussion underway as to whether this should include the application files that are being tested given the iframe loading, this could be potentially a security risk

(static) notNull(item, description)

Check is not null

Name Type Description
item Object

The item to test

description String

The output description for the test

(static) notUndefined(item, description)

Check is not undefined

Name Type Description
item Object

The item to test

description String

The output description for the test

(private, static) objectType(obj, addString)

Returns the object type of the object passed

Name Type Description
obj Object

The object to test which could be a number, string, function, array etc

addString String

The object type string to check against

(static) objType(item, type, description)

Check object type of the object passed, matches the type expected

Name Type Description
item Object

The item to test

type String

String type of the object to compare against

description String

The output description for the test

(static) optionsMatch(item, array, description)

Determines if a select element has the options listed in the order supplied

Name Type Description
item String

The item to check on the dom

array String

The array to compare the option list against

description String

The description for the test

(private, static) parseError(error)

Parse the Error message and the stack to a readable formate

Name Type Description
error Error

The error message to parse

(static) pauseTests()

Pause the test cycle

(private, static) propertyExists(item, property, type)

Check if a specific property exists, and of the type specified

Name Type Description
item Object

The object to check the property existence against

property String

The name of the property to check

type String

The Expected type, either Number, String, Array, Function, Object, Boolean and other valid types

(static) propertyLength(item, property, description)

Check the property length matches the expected value

Name Type Description
item Object

The item to test

property String

The property name to check for

description String

The output description for the test

(static) ready()

Ready state for the AIM.Unit initialization, this should be called when all customization properties have been set by the user

(private, static) removeClass(node, value)

Remove a class from an element

Name Type Description
node Node

The HTML Element

value String

The selector names to remove

(static) runTests()

Run the unit tests cycle

(private, static) saveScreen()

Save the specified screen to the server

(private, static) scrolllDisplay()

Scroll the display to the bottom each time dom elements are inserted during the test cycle

(private, static) setReferences()

Get the element reference for the aim.unit browser display panel

(private, static) showMessage(message)

Shows the message panel to the user and sets a timeout

Name Type Description
message String

The message string to display in the panel

(private, static) startTimer(isTest)

Starts a new test timer

Name Type Description
isTest Boolean

Defines if its the global test timer

(static) strictEqual(itemA, itemB, description)

Check strict equal

Name Type Description
itemA Object

The first item to compare

itemB Object

The second item to compare

description String

The output description for the test

(static) strictNotEqual(itemA, itemB, description)

Check strict not equal

Name Type Description
itemA Object

The first item to compare

itemB Object

The second item to compare

description String

The output description for the test

(static) test(testName, testFunc, skip)

The main test method, called to create a new test group which can contain 1 or many assertions and tests

Name Type Description
testName String

The name of the test

testFunc function

The function to call for the test

skip Boolean

Defines whether the test should be skipped

(static) throwsError(item, errorType, description)

TODO Check if a call throws a specific errors as expected

Name Type Description
item Object

The object to catch the error from

errorType Error

The error type to check against

description String

The description for the test

(private, static) updatePosition(item)

Updates the panel position

Name Type Description
item String

The item to find in the dom

(static) updatePosition(position)

Public API method for updating the applications position in the display

Name Type Description
position String

The position of the aim.unit panel to set

(private, static) waiting()

Outputs the waiting status for the test Cycle